The Mayor's Cup Regatta & Festival Committee is pleased to announce that Leigh and Stephens Mundy have been named the 2018 "Spirit of Ianelli" Award honorees.
The "Spirit of Ianelli" Award was established in 2010 in honor of the late Mayor John Ianelli, former Mayor of the City of Plattsburgh and co-founder of the Mayor’s Cup Regatta in 1977. This honor is bestowed upon an individual or individuals – sailor or landlubber – who exemplify the same “community does matter” spirit that inspired Mayor Ianelli 38 years ago, empowering our lake community to thrive, not only on race day, but every day.
Leigh Mundy has been instrumental in bringing the arts and arts education to Plattsburgh. She was on the Strand Center for the Arts (previously known as the North Country Center for the Arts) Board of Directors from 2004 -2017, President of the Board from 2009-2015, and is currently the Interim Director of The Strand until an executive search has been completed. She has seen the center through some very exciting times. She joined the Board the same year the center purchased the Strand Theatre and became President of the Board the year the center moved to the old Federal Building which is its home today on Brinkerhoff Street. As a full-time volunteer Leigh took the lead on the restoration of the Strand Theatre which she has termed, “a 9-year labor of love and my husband helped me every step of the way”
In February Stephens Mundy, CVPH President and CEO announced that he was retiring this summer after 16 years at the helm of the Plattsburgh hospital. Whenever anyone speaks of Stephens’ vision and leadership in healthcare more times than not there is also reference to his commitment to community. Deena McCullough, member and former president of the UVM Health Network Adirondack Regional Board was quoted in the Press-Republican as saying. "I sincerely mean it when I say his contributions beyond health care and into improving our community will make a difference for generations to come.“
Plattsburgh Mayor Colin Read commented, "The energy and devotion the Mundy's offered this community is precisely what the Ianelliaward seeks to recognize. They took a derelict theater in the heart of our downtown and created a treasure for which our entire region can be proud. This is the pride of Mayor Ianellithat I am overjoyed to endorse."
Sunrise Rotarian President Doug Kashorek added, “Sunrise Rotary is proud to support arts in our community and the revitalization of our historic downtown. Our club is delighted that the committee has chosen to honor Leigh and Stephens Mundy and to recognize their tremendous efforts to enhance the community in which we live.”
The “Spirit of Ianelli” Award Ceremony took place at 6:00pm, immediately following the Mayor’s Cup Regatta BBQ, on Saturday afternoon, July 7, 2018 at the Naked Turtle restaurant at the Plattsburgh Boat Basin.
The past honorees of the "Spirit of Ianelli" Award include:
2017 – Janet Duprey
2016 – GordieLittle
2015- Local Law Enforcement
2014 – Kit and Sally Booth
2013 - Bob Wallet
2012 – Roger Harwood
2011 – Matt Spiegel
2010 – Bob Pooler